? Traditional dishes | Centrul de Informare Turistica Luncoiu de Jos, jud. Hunedoara
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Traditional dishes

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Traditional dishes. These recipes were learned from nana Anuţă (Ana Dud), a ninety year old „socăciţă” (cook).                                                     

  • Chisăliţa de prune. Many of the young people have never heard of such a dish, and even more have never tasted it. To prepare this dish plums are boiled and are left until the infusion thickens and is then filtered. The resulting product (chisalnita de prune) is used to sour soups, or it is spread on bread (for the more wealthy people) or on polenta (mamaliga) (for the poorer people). Quite often chisalnita de prune is mixed with plum marmalade and served as a desert.
  • Cooked tomatoes. Ripe tomatoes are picked, washed and cut into pieces and they are then boiled together with seasoned onion. A mix of flower and water is added to this and afterwards sour cream is added.
  • Cabbage soup. When the cabbage leaf appears, it is gathered and cut up like noodles, it is scowled and boiled together with smoked pig´s bone that is kept in the wheat barn. Roasted onion is sprinkled over the soup. This dish was frequently served during the statute labor that took place in the villages.
  • Zamă de laşcă pe găină, otherwise known as noodle soup with poultry. It was a dish served on special occasions. It was served at weddings, or different religious festivities and sometimes on Sundays. The noodles are made several days in advance (2 -3 days) when the dough is left to dry after it was cut up as thin as possible. The hen was boiled early in the morning. An older and fatter hen is required. The hen needs to be boiled for several hours and the foam needs to be constantly gathered so as not to churn the soup. After boiling and the meat has softened, the greens are cut up in small cubes and are added to the soup, together with salt and pepper and then left to boil over a small fire. When the dish is done, the soup is filtered so that only the soup remains. If it is too fatty, it is additionally filtered. The noodles are boiled separately and are then added to the soup. The dish is served hot, with lots of freshly cut up parsley sprinkled over the soup.
  • Zama acră, is a pork or beef soup made with different herbs, usually served at weddings as a last dish to “reenergize” the guests on Sunday morning, when the band was singing from high in the trees.
  • Scoarţa de cartofi. Whole potatoes are boiled, mashed up. Seasoned onions are added together with oil and red paprika and then milk to turn everything into a paste. It is served with meat or with pickled cucumbers.
  • Întorsurile. These were the local cakes, in a time when sweets were very rare. They were made from a dough softer than that used for the noodles. It was spread with a rolling pin on the work bench “lopitău” or even on the empty table. The dough was covered with oil or lard, and after that it was rolled and cut up in pieces no bigger than a palm. They were rolled again with the rolling pin and then left to cook.